Konkani Catholic Association Bangalore

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Pentecost Night Vigil in Konkani” on Saturday 23rd May 2015, at St.Patrick’s Church. Bangalore.

Pentecost Night Vigil in Konkani" on  Saturday 23rd May 2015, at St.Patrick's Church.Bangalore.

Pentecost Night Vigil in Konkani” on Saturday 23rd May 2015, at St.Patrick’s Church.Bangalore.

BCCRS (Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service) of Archdiocese of Bangalore Organized “Pentecost Night Vigil in Konkani” on  Saturday 23rd May 2015, at St.Patrick’s Church.Bangalore.
Like Every year Arch Diocese of Bangalore celebrates birthday of the Church and  the feast of the Holy Spirit through a prayerful Pentecostal Night Vigil at St. Patric’s Church in the heart of the City . On the Pentecost after the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, according to the Acts of the Apostles, descended on the disciples in the form of tongues of fire accompanied by the sound of a rush of wind, and gave them the power of speaking in such a way that people of different languages could understand them. In Bangalore, after the Night Vigil which was conducted in five different languages in the same campus (Konkani, English, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam) starts to speak in one single language, the language of Love!  during the Multilingual Eucharistic Celebration of Holy Mass at 3.30am by the Most Re. Dr. Bernanrd Moras Archbishop of Bangalore.   
Request all the Konkani  Families and Language Lovers in Bangalore to join for this Night Vigil in large numbers to Praise & worship Risen Lord in our own mother tongue to strengthen our spirituality and  Konkani Liturgy in Bangalore. Also  spread this Message to All Konkani Associations, Organizations and Konkani Families in Bangalore to attend this Special gathering in the presence of our Risen Lord
Updated: May 12, 2015 — 7:28 am


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