Konkani Catholic Association Bangalore

30th Annual General Body Meeting Held on June 26, 2022

The 30th Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of Konkani Catholic Association, Bangalore (Koncab) was held on Sunday, June 26, 2022, at Konkan Samudai Bhavan, (KSB) Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore.  At 9.00 a.m., Holy Mass in Konkani was celebrated by Fr. Manohar Josly Noronha, Vice Provincial of Pallotine Mission Bangalore Province and Parish Priest of St. Vincent Pallotti Church, Bangalore.  Melodious Choir in Konkani was rendered by a group of members that was led by Shri Tony Lucas, and supported by Shri Kevin Rodrigues on Keyboard. The Mass was attended by around 200 family members of Koncab.

Soon after the Mass, Dr Cynthia Menezes, newly appointed Vice Chancellor of Bangalore University (Acting) was honoured and felicitated by the President Shri Vincent D Souza and Rev. Fr. Manohar Josly Noronha.  Shri. Jhonas D Souza, while introducing the Guest of Honour, underlined the achievements of the distinguished educationist.   He said she has carved a niche for herself with her vast experience of more than 30 years in teaching field, especially in Business Administration at the University Level/B-schools and also with her exposure to research and Institutional Administration.    She has been rightly nominated as the Acting Vice Chancellor of Bangalore University, which is a proud moment for KONCAB members, as well as to the entire Konkani Community.  Ms Navya Monteiro, Secretary, read out a brief profile of Dr Cynthia Menezes, followed by the felicitation of Guest of Honour.

Addressing the gathering, Dr Cynthia Menezes recalled her humble beginning and the challenges she had to face during her career. She said, if one has the will and determination, nothing would stop them in achieving their goal in life. She thanked her husband and family members for supporting her throughout.  She exhorted the members to encourage their wards and children to get into Karnataka Administrative Services (KAS), Indian Administrative Services (IAS) and other government jobs where the services of the honest and committed people are required.

Thereafter, Coffee/Tea and breakfast was served to the members and the guests.

 At 11.00 a.m. Annual General Body Meeting proceedings commenced.  Mr Jhonas D Souza, invited President Mr Vincent D’Souza, Vice President Ms Nora Menezes, Secretary Ms Navya Monteiro and Treasurer Mr Sylvester D Souza to the dais.  Invoking the blessings of the Almighty God and a prayer to St. Anthony, the patron of our Association, President called the AGM to order, and extended a warm welcome to the members.  He said that many programmes are there in the pipeline for the ensuing year.  He sought the co-operation and whole hearted support from the members.

Ms Navya Monteiro, Secretary, presented the Annual Report for the year 2021-22 for approval.  Also, a minute’s silence was observed in memory of the deceased members of the Association during the year.  A report on various activities organised during the financial year 2021-22 was presented to the members.  She placed on record the financial assistance extended by sponsors, benefactors, members, and the support extended by the President and Executive Committee Members throughout the year.  The report was approved by the members unanimously.

Mr Sylvester D Souza, Treasurer, presented the Audited Accounts for the financial year 2021-22 for approval. Also, as the current Chairman of Konkan Welfare Trust (KWT) updated the developments in Konkan Samudai Bhavan.  He said a sound system is installed and air-conditioning of the main hall and mini hall will be taken up soon. He also urged the members to utilize the facilities, i.e., Halls for their family functions, which are available at reasonable rentals for the members.

Thereafter, Shri Mark D’Souza, M/s Mark and Co., was unanimously appointed as the auditor for the financial year 2022-23. The president and Treasurer placed on record the invaluable services of Shri Mark D’Souza for the past thirty years.

The Secretary proposed vote of thanks. The President concluded the meeting thanking all the members for their co-operation and support.

Mr Sunil D Cunha, Cultural Secretary, conducted Tambola (Housie) game for the members.

Fellowship lunch was arranged for the members who attended the Annual General Body Meeting.



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