A Session on Startup Entrepreneurs Organised by KCA and KONCAB
in association with Kanara Entrepreneurs (KE)
Date: 14th March (Sunday)
Time: 10am to 4.30 pm
Venue: Konkan Samudai Bhavan, Kalyan Nagar (https://goo.gl/maps/5HrNPCKG5DbJoi776)
Entry Fees: Free Session.
Open to youth members and entrepreneurs of all FKCA associations
Stay tuned. For more details on agenda, how to register etc pls join whatsapp group created for participants.
Here is the group joining link: http://bit.ly/startup14mar
For Registration Link: CLICK HERE( http://bit.ly/RegStartup14Mar)
For stall booking, pls contact Veena Serrao +91 99720 31166