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Dictionary Definition for Abridge

Synonymous with abbreviation, condensation and abbreviation, an abbreviation comes from the Latin word abreviare, which means “to shorten”. Although it is generally used in terms of verbose texts, one can also shorten or shorten a garment; A miniskirt, for example, is just a shortened version of the old floor-length tire skirt. But shortening something isn`t always good: if your civil rights are restricted, they`ve been diminished in some way. The 1973 miniseries, broadcast on Swedish television and broadcast internationally in an abridged feature film, traces a turbulent decade in the lives of an upper-middle-class couple, played by Liv Ullman and Erland Josephson. At one point, a repressed deviation was excavated, apparently to shorten an impossible curve. The group traveled a shortened 60-mile route that began and ended in Chamonix, traveling between eight and 12 miles each day, climbing and crossing mountain passes and descending into valleys. Teach us to love the South and settle here by stopping shortening ourselves to such extremes when it comes to common rights and citizenship. Certainly, the Fifteenth was a beacon of the light of democracy because it codified that “the right of citizens of the United States to vote must not be denied or shortened. because of the breed. However, we are forced to shorten its detailed presentation so as not to increase our volume beyond borders. This would serve to restrict the freedom of expression guaranteed to us by the Constitution. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “truncation.” The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback.

Nglish: Translation of a short version for Spanish speakers At the right time and at the right dose, it can relieve and shorten economic diseases. shortening, shortening, shortening, shortening, removing means scaling. Shortening involves a reduction in length or duration. Shortening a language shortening adds a cross-section implication that in some ways deprives you of completeness or relevance. Ceremonies that are shortened due to the shortening of the rain usually involve a shortening by omitting a part. The use of a title shortening implies a reduction in the compass or scope while retaining the essential elements and a relative completeness of the result. The abridged version of the novel Retrench suggests a reduction in the scope or cost of something that is perceived as exaggerated. The world first heard about Sophie Zhang in September 2020 when BuzzFeed News received and published highlights of a shortened version of its nearly 8,000-word release memo from Facebook. Middle English, abriggen “reduce, reduce, shorten”, borrowed from the Anglo-French abreger, going back to the late Latin abbreviÄre, from the Latin ad- ad- + breviÄre “shorten, shorten”, verbal derivation of brevis “short” – more in brief entry 1 And all these things that were contained in five books by Jason von Cyrene, we tried to shorten into one book.

Search for every word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary app. “Abridge”. Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/abridge. Retrieved 27 September 2022. So the publisher wants to reduce your epic 800-page stapler story to a 150-page summary instead. Don`t cry – he just wants to shorten your masterpiece and reduce it to the most readable essentials. I note that the civil rights of the accused have been restricted. For example, with short titles, barely two men would agree, even within the limits of the given rules.

Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. The current publisher has taken it upon itself to shorten and edit it, believing that the time has come for such work. The extreme beauty of this poem, also in the technical sense, is so great that I regret needing to shorten it. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! It is therefore more desirable to set up composite modes – short devices to shorten them. Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your essential guide to English language problems. The plan was to reduce the work of composers by pouring recurring words into the metal all the more frequently. If you did, you would see that the text says that “Congress should not legislate. restrict freedom of expression.

Updated: October 12, 2022 — 4:30 pm


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